Sefik Can

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Sefik Can (1910-2005) was born in a village near Erzurum, in Eastern Turkey. During his childhood he learned Arabic and Persian from his father. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School in 1929 and the Academy of War in 1931. In 1935, he began working as a teacher in a Military High School. In addition to his native Turkish, he also spoke French, English and Russian alongside Arabic and Persian. Up until he passed in on January 24 2005, he was head of the Mevlevis (most authoritative figure in the spiritial order). He was also the latest Mesnevihan (Mesnevi reciter) who recieved his ijazat (special certification in the recitation of Mesnevi) from his spiritual master Tahir al-Mevlevi. Sefik Can authored nine books on Rumi as well as on poetry and classical mythology.


Author's Books