The Qur’an with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English (flexcover)



AUTHOR     :Ali Unal

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A timely addition to literature on the holy book of Islam, this translation provides the Arabic text as well as extensive explanations and interpretations of most verses. Literal translations of the Qur’an may often sound irrelevant and fail to correspond to the original meaning. Therefore, many scholars recommend studying the Qur’an through interpretations with commentaries that deal with the reasons for revelation (asbab an-nuzul) and notes for specific references. This book is a comprehensive source that combines interpretation and commentary with extensive notes of explanation.


Ali Unal

Ali Unal is a renowned scholar and a prolific translator of works with an Islamic theme into English. He has written for many periodicals and is a columnist for Zaman daily newspaper. His published books include Living in the Shade of Islam, Islamic Perspectives on Science, Islam Addresses Contemporary Issues, The Resurrection and the Afterlife, and The Qur’an with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English.


ISBN Hardcover




Publication date




5 1/3 x 7 2/3 inch


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