Speech and Power of Expression

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AUTHOR     :M. Fethullah Gulen

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On language, aesthetics, and belief

Emphasizing the esthetic concerns of the Islamic civilization as well as underlining the true nature of the religion, this insightful opus contains a collection of essays on the art of language from a revered contemporary scholar of Islam. Written separately as lead articles for the Turkish literary magazine, Yagmur, the volume eloquently articulates the author’s approach to speech as well as his definitions of poetry, history, and beauty, all of which are deeply embroidered around the lacework of Islam. With a powerful emphasis on belief in God, each essay addresses an important matter of language that aptly relates to the current state of affairs in the Muslim world and the nature of human existence in the 21st century as a whole.

M. Fethullah Gulen

M. Fethullah Gulen (1941 – ) is one of the most influential scholars in the Muslim world today. His ideas have inspired millions to take part in a civic movement of intercultural and interfaith dialogue and educational activism, which produced hundreds of quality schools and dialog organizations in more than 110 countries. Gulen is the author of numerous books, including The Essentials of the Islamic Faith, Questions and Answers about Islam, Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism, Pearls of Wisdom, and Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance. His official web site: http://fgulen.com/en/

1.30 min video: http://youtu.be/eOd1WxyHQtA?list=UUn8DlgcqRDIdmfPlD2prkuQ

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ISBN Hardcover


ISBN Ebook




Publication date




6×9 inches


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